

2022-03-26 Meeting


Under this movement are many projects

  • empathy circles

  • empathy building practices

  • Empathy Training.

What is the empathy movement?

  • Raising the level of empathy in our society and culture.

  • Slowing down

  • Seeing how we impact others.

The Intention

  • Knowing we are part of a movement with the same intention and vision.

What is the existing state - the cultural Status Quo

  • Competition and domination,

  • It takes a lot of courage to go toward the empathic side.

  • To change the Status Quo

An Empathy Movement

  • We need to start in our own life. We have to take responsibility.

  • Need to slow down. But there is

  • We need to make big changes for our survival.

  • For our coexistence

  • The younger generation have less attachment to the status quo

What is a good Movement Members name: New Empaths

How do we inspire people to join an Empathy Movement?

How to identify your needs?

  • Have an empathy buddy who will listen and empathize and connect with each other.

  • Support people in hearing themselves.. It supports self-empathy.

  • How do we meet everyone's needs?

    • Do it from the grass roots. Talk part of empathy circles.

Bill’s - Students and empathy situation

  • Need empathy circles from the ground up.

  • Daily empathy practices, skill building, listening time.

  • We need a movement to build empathy in the schools.


  • Empathy feels good


  • Wants to bring it to her groups. DEI


  • XR

  • Violence in the slaughterhouses.

  • Two sides -

    • One side is angry

    • One side is judged.

    • Only empathy and dialogue can helps.

How to frame the topic.

Topics? How might we build an Empathy Movement?

Topics? How would you like to contribute to building an Empathy Movement?

  • An global empathy movement

  • Empathizing with animals, people, nature, planet

  • Sensitive feeling into.

  • If people empathy grows,, it will grown for animals, nature, etc

Communicative intent. What are their needs?